Absolut Mandrin Vodka 750ml
Absolut Mandrin Vodka 750ml
- Expertly Packaged
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- Wine vintage may differ from image
- Product label/design may differ from image
Enjoy bright, summer sun, clear skies, and bold citrus flavors with Absolut Mandrin. Crafted in Ahus, Sweden, using fresh fruit, no added sugars, and locally sourced winter wheat with pure deep well water, Absolut Mandrin has all-natural ingredients. Every batch is distilled continuously with the methods pioneered by Lars Olsson Smith until it achieves the consistent level of high quality that you expect from Absolut vodkas.
Experience a vibrant citrus burst each time that you sip Absolut Mandrin on the rocks, or include it as an ingredient in your favorite cocktails, such as an Orange Martini or a Mandarin Mule. Add one part Absolut Mandrin to three parts ginger beer in a highball glass over cubed ice and garnish with an orange slice for a vibrant drink bursting with flavor. The full-bodied, authentic orange flavor of Absolut Mandrin makes this an undeniably versatile vodka.
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