Cazadores Reposado Tequila 750ml
Cazadores Reposado Tequila 750ml
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Steeped with the spirit of the land, from bright citrus fruit to smoky wood. Agave aromas and the earth's purest spice.
It all started with just one hard-working visionary in 1922 in the sun-kissed highlands of Jalisco, Mexico who spent years perfecting a tequila recipe for his friends and family. This closely guarded secret recipe was passed down by word of mouth for generations. In the early 1970s, his grandson carried on the dream of creating the best tequila and opened a distillery to share the tequila with more people. His legacy became “Cazadores,” or “The Hunters,” named after the journey, the majestic stags that roam our agave fields and symbolize the years the one hard-working man spent searching for the perfect tequila recipe to share with family and friends.