Código 1530 Rosa 750ml
Código 1530 Rosa 750ml
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Código 1530 Rosa (Rested 1 Month) begins with the purity of our Blanco, then is rested for 1 month in uncharred Napa Cabernet French White Oak barrels. The result is a refined spirit with a natural color as beautiful as its taste. Our Rosa has rested just long enough in our fine Cabernet barrels to enrich the natural agave juice without overpowering its delicate floral notes.
There is never a corner cut in Código 1530's production. The sole purpose is to make the most selective tequila in the world using only perfect inputs and age-old secret family processes. Codigo 1530 uses only fully-matured Blue Weber Agave and Amatitán water from freshwater pools and rainwater, filtered through the volcanic soil of Los Bajos. Codigo 1530's proprietary chopper allows them to extract only the best juice and pulp from the first press of agave to garner the purest flavor.
Código 1530's tequila offerings have been perfected using time-honored customs without ever veering from the historic traditions of including no added chemicals, flavorings, or sweeteners, to maintain the rich, natural flavor of Los Bajos agave. We use the finest Napa Cabernet French White Oak Barrels in our time-honored family aging process, embracing the clean elegance of wine making to produce a uniquely delicate finish.