Devils River Distiller's Select Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Devils River Distiller's Select Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
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Crafted from hand-selected bourbon barrels and made with 100% Texas grains sourced from a co-op of Texas farmers, Devils River Distiller's Select is a “grain to glass” Texas Straight Bourbon.
Distiller's Select is distilled and aged in the hot Texas climate for over two years in a new #3 charred American oak barrel. The Texas heat naturally accelerates the aging cycle making it the perfect location for our rickhouse. As the whiskey expands deeper into the oak staves, our bourbon developed its dark color and complex flavor.
Once our Distiller determines our whiskey is ready to bottle, Distiller's Select is then brought to its final 120-proof by marrying the bourbon with spring water from the Devils River Region. Resulting in a well-balanced, high-proof bourbon.