FEW American Gin 750ml
FEW American Gin 750ml
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This gin may just redefine your love for the great libation. You will note wafts of lemon peel & warm vanilla awash in a silky grain spirit. And it is then you begin to notice the familiar nip of juniper on the edges of your tongue - the moment in which you remember you are drinking a new kind of gin. A better kind of gin. FEW American Gin.
“Tastes like triumph with a hint of juniper.” This gin may redefine your love for the great libation. Created with 70% Corn, 20% Wheat, 10% Malt and 11 different botanicals, there are wafts of lemon peel and warm vanilla awash in a silky grain spirit. Then you begin to notice the familiar nip of juniper on the edges of your tongue. The whiskey base provides a graininess and sweetness, while the specialty yeast produces cherry and raspberry top notes.
Down a dark back alley in Evanston, Illinois, you will find an old chop-shop making flavorful whiskey and gin. From grain-to-glass and wild a bold, Chicago-style twist. Proof, as ever, that appearances can be deceptive.
FEW makes handcrafted, small-batch spirits, born in the home of temperance. For nearly a century, Evanston was a dry city. FEW Spirits founder Paul Hletko recognized the laws were in need of a dire change, and so he fought to have these laws overturned, with FEW becoming the first distiller of grain spirits in the city limits.
FEW Spirits: Made of equal parts craft and courage, and always 100% grain-to-glass.