Stroh Original Spiced Rum 750ml
Stroh Original Spiced Rum 750ml
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Whether for cooking, baking or as warmth spending drink it is always the right season for the unmistakable STROH aroma. STROH Original and STROH hot drinks are providing unique quality all year round. STROH Original is the best aromatic expression of the Austrian way of life. We enjoy it when we need time out from the daily rush. It has its place in hot drinks such as warming Jagertee, Punch and Grog, as well as in cocktails, mixed drinks and fruit bowles. Talking about traditional Austrian sweet dishes, STROH Original is indispensable for cakes, flans and desserts. STROH Original is available in various sizes of its unmistakable flask-bottle. Special traveler sizes are offered also in PET (plastic) bottles. Stroh 60 is popular for jams, compotes and the aromatic "Rumtopf" (fruits preserved in rum and sugar).