Basil Hayden 10 Year Old 750ml
Basil Hayden 10 Year Old 750ml
- Expertly Packaged
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- Wine vintage may differ from image
- Product label/design may differ from image
This ultra-premium, limited-time holiday offering features the same high-rye mash bill that Basil Hayden fans know and love, barrel-aged longer for an additional layer of flavor. Basil Hayden's 10 Year is a carefully crafted expression of the bourbon maker's art, given additional aging for greater complexity, character, and smoothness. Longer aging gives the liquid more time to interact with the barrel wood and the changing seasons, resulting in a distinct bourbon with big oak aromas and hints of char and vanilla. Basil Hayden's trademark spice shines through, complemented by notes of caramel sweetness and wood, making every sip memorable for first-timers and seasoned bourbon lovers alike. Basil Hayden 10 Year is ideally served neat or on the rocks.