Cîroc Limited Edition Pomegranate 750ml
Cîroc Limited Edition Pomegranate 750ml
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Enjoy the luxurious, sweet, and fruity flavor of CIROC Limited Edition Pomegranate. Our rich-tasting, award-winning spirit is made with vodka distilled five times from fine French grapes and finished in a tailor-made copper pot still in Southern France.
This vodka is masterfully infused with a distinctive blend of pomegranate and other natural flavors, making way for a silky-smooth drinking experience. With notes of juicy red berries and hints of fresh strawberry mingling with bursts of sweet and fruity pomegranate, our luxurious blend is an opulent addition to any party. CIROC Ultra-Premium Vodka was named One of the World's Best-Selling Vodkas at the 2020 Drinks International awards. Includes one 70-proof, 750 mL bottle of CIROC Limited Edition Pomegranate.
Simply mix with cranberry juice and garnish with a lime wedge for a signature Pomegranate Passion cocktail.