Gambino's King Cake Rum Cream 750ml
Gambino's King Cake Rum Cream 750ml
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Gambino's King Cake Rum Cream is a blend of Caribbean Rum, fresh Wisconsin cream, Louisiana sugar cane and New Orleans own Cocktail & Sons' King Cake Syrup - a blend of toasted cassia bark, pecan and lemon.
New Orleans cocktail syrup makers Cocktail & Sons joined forces with iconic Louisiana bakery Gambino's and noted spirits industry veteran John Eason to create Gambino's King Cake Rum Cream.
Crafted with love by the New Orleans "King of King Cakes" Gambino's Bakery and the award winning bartenders of Cocktail & Sons, Gambino's King Cake Rum Cream uses the finest spices, fresh Wisconsin cream, and aged Caribbean rum for king cake in a glass. Enjoy in cocktails, coffee, or over ice in your go-cup during parades, tailgate parties, and evening revelry.