Glenmorangie Signet 750ml
Glenmorangie Signet 750ml
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As Dr. Bill, our freethinking Director of Whisky Creation enjoyed a cup of his favorite Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee, the notion of Signet first came to him. At once his mind filled with spiraling mocha flavors that he could not forget.
It would take him years to bring our unprecedented whisky to life. But in its tiramisu tones and melting chocolate, you can taste his most delicious imaginings.
Signet begins with our precious chocolate malt spirit, made just once a year in our giraffe-high stills. Its espresso-like intensity fills our Distillery with aromas more familiar in an Italian coffee bar.
Over the years, we temper its power with rare and treasured casks. Bourbon for creaminess. Sherry for sweetness. The spice of virgin charred oak. All are balanced by some of the oldest whisky we own.
The result? A velvet explosion of flavor. Bursts of bitter mocha, sizzling spice, and waves of dark chocolate, mellowed by smooth butterscotch. Whisky, as you have never tasted it before.