Knob Creek® Smoked Maple 750ml
Knob Creek® Smoked Maple 750ml
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Knob Creek Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey is still made to exacting standards. Knob Creek is aged to fully draw out the natural sugars in its charred white oak barrels. This exceptional, full-bodied bourbon strikes the senses with an oak aroma, a sweet, woody, full-bodied, almost fruity taste, with a long, rich finish. Created to reflect the flavor, strength, care, and patience that defined whiskey before Prohibition, Knob Creek is perfect neat or on the rocks with one or two ice cubes.
Knob Creek is part of The Small Batch Bourbon Collection. Explore the entire Knob Creek Family for yourself and discover what whiskey was meant to be. Alive with smoked hickory and maple wood aroma and a hint of earthy grain, this blend has full-bodied, inviting maple notes that lift to smoke, complemented with rich vanilla and caramel flavors, finishing smoky, smooth, and slightly sweet.