Wilderness Trail Rye Whiskey 750ml
Wilderness Trail Rye Whiskey 750ml
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Wilderness Trail Rye Whiskey is a small-batch, small-grain Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey Bottled in Bond. Made from 100% local grains and distilled, aged, and bottled in Danville, Kentucky, the Small Batch selection offers nuances only premium cooper select barrels can create using 18-month-old air-dried staves. WIth a mash bill of 56% rye, 33% corn and 11% malted barley using Wilderness Trail's own yeast strains, this rye mash bill was created for a broader balance of flavor using Kentucky-grown heritage rye from local KY Proud farms. This small-batch rye enters the barrel at a super low 100 proof, allowing for maximum flavor development and transfer with the wood during maturation, and is aged for at least four years in #4 char barrel on the upper floors of the barrel house. The result is a rich, non-chill-filtered rye whiskey with notes of baking spices, clove, with an herbaceous bouquet of candied flowers and Earl Grey tea.
Wilderness Trail takes "small batch" seriously at just 20 barrels per batch, the result of one fermenter. The rigorous criteria of Bottled in Bond Bourbon ensures it was properly distilled within a single distilling season, aged between 5-6 years and bottled by us under the supervision of the U.S. Government at 100 proof.
Wilderness Trail Distillery blends old traditions with the science of making bourbon. After over 20 years of working with distilleries worldwide to provide advice and fermenting products, founders Shane Baker and Dr. Pat Heist launched their premium craft distillery in 2012, with the core focus of making the highest quality Bourbon and Rye Whiskey.